ULIN: Jurnal Hutan Tropis published by Forestry Faculty of Mulawarman University, which is published twice a year in March and September with p-issn 2599-1205 and e-issn 2599-1183. It contains articles of research or study of literature in the field of Forest Management, Forest Conservation, Silviculture, and Forest Product. Language used for full article in this journal is Bahasa Indonesia, abstract in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
ULIN: Jurnal Hutan Tropis embodies research articles including:
1. Forest Management
2. Forest Conservation
3. Silviculture
4. Forest Product
5. Forest Ecology
6. Forestry Policy and Politics
7. Ecotourism
8. GIS and Mapping
9. Social Forestry
10. Management of Watersheds
11. Environmental Services
12. Environmental Impact
13. Environmental Planning and Management
14. Climate Change

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Ulin: The Journal of Tropical Forests publishes research results covering the fields of Forest management, Forest Conservation, Silviculture, Forest products, Forest Ecology and other related fields. This journal is published regularly every 6 months in March and September. | |
Posted: 2020-03-15 | More... |
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Vol 9, No 1 (2025)
Table of Contents
Dwi Sukma Rini, Lalu Amrian Hardi, Kornelia Webliana, Mardyanto Prasetyo, Agus Ngadianto
1 - 7
Arman Maiwa, Abdul Rahman, Golar Golar, Rhamdhani Fitrah Baharuddin, Amati Eltriman Hulu
8 - 20
Muthmainnah Muthmainnah, Andi Azis Abdullah, Irma Sribianti, Nirwana Nirwana, Armin Ridha
21 - 31
Dwi Gustiana Agussalim, Sri Sarminah, Ibrahim Ibrahim
32 - 40
Hari Siswanto, Gilbert Renaldi Manulang, Ariyanto Ariyanto
41 - 50
Esrahwati Esrahwati, Etty Riani, Subekti Nurmawati
51 - 59
Yuliana Yuliana, Irwan Mahakam Lesmono Aji, Diah Permata Sari
60 - 73
Sandy Erggi Irawan, Duryat Duryat, Melya Riniarti, Slamet Budi Yuwono, Tri Maryono, Rodiani Rodiani
74 - 80
Kevin Kornelius Kambey, Duryat Duryat, Tri Maryono, Rodiani Rodiani
81 - 88
Mersi Tangkearung, Golar Golar, Arman Maiwa, Imran Rachman, Andi Sahri Alam, Hamka Hamka
89 - 100
Gresya Munda, Chandradewana Boer, Sutedjo Sutedjo, Mochamad Syoim
101 - 107
Wahjuni Hartati, Stella Sherlyani, Syahrinudin Syahrinudin, Triyono Sudarmadji
108 - 118
Gunawan Wibisono
119 - 128
Marjenah Marjenah, Harmonis Harmonis, Ona Orvalinda
129 - 137
Aah Ahmad Almulqu
138 - 146
Marlon Ivanhoe Aipassa, Qodimatul Unshuri Ilyas, Yosep Ruslim, Rosmini Rosmini
147 - 155
Andrian Fernandes, Enih Rosamah, Harlinda Kuspradini
156 - 163
Micshelin Jhosi Pratama, Paulus Matius, Rita Diana, Letus Sepsamli
164 - 173