Rizky Isyarah, Paulus Matius, Sutedjo Sutedjo


This study aims to determine the natural condition of Non Dipterocarpaceae regeneration. The object of this research are sapling and seedling in secondary forests of HPFU by making 5 transects with length 200 meters where its laid 5 x 5 meters sapling plot and 2 x 2 meter seedling plot systematically each on the right and left side. The transects was made purposively by considering areas that were still natural or had not been planted before. The results showed that regeneration was dominated by shrub habitus at both growth level, Fordia splendidissima (Miq.) Buijsen dominating the sapling level and Psychotria viridiflora Reinw. Ex Blume dominating the seedling level. However, the number of individuals at sapling stage is more bigger than the number of seedling. The Fabaceae and Rubiaceae family are most common in this location. The diversity index value is classified as high with a composition that is almost even but still dominated by several species. By comparing the data before burning from Riswan in 1987 with the current research in the same location, it can be concluded that the regeneration of Non Dipterocarpaceae in HPFU area has decreased and it represent the species degradation after forest fires.

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