Plakat : Jurnal Pelayanan Kepada Masyarakat

Journal titlePlakat : Jurnal Pelayanan Kepada Masyarakat
AbbreviationPlakat  J. Pelayanan Kpd. Masy.
Frequency2 issues per year
DOIPrefix 10.30872 by Crossref
Online ISSN2714-5239
Print ISSN2686-0686 
Editor-in-chiefMuhammad Ali Adriansyah
PublisherFakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar | Garuda

Plakat : Jurnal Pelayanan Kepada Masyarakat  is a multidisciplinary scientific journal of social and political science that presents the implementation of science and technology in solving problems in society. This journal contains the publication of the results of community service activities, models or concepts and or their implementation in the context of increasing community participation in development, community empowerment or the implementation of services to the community.

Plakat : Jurnal Pelayanan Kepada Masyarakat  published regularly twice the year in June and December. The purpose of this journal is to disseminate ideas and results of research conducted by universities, particularly the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Mulawarman University, which can be applied in society.

Plakat : Jurnal Pelayanan Kepada Masyarakat  contains a variety of activities carried out both internally by the Social Sciences Mulawarman University or from externally in handling and overcoming various problems that occur in society by applying science and technology which can then be beneficial to improve the welfare of the society.

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Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Volume 5, Nomor 2 Desember Tahun 2023

Table of Contents


Yenny Wati, Yusrizal Yusrizal, Anton Anton
Martinus Robert Hutauruk
Sumi Lestari, Muhammad Afif Alhadad, Martomo Wahyudianto
Maya Yasmin, Fauziah Taslim, Serly Safitri
Ani Dijah Rahajoe, Muchlisiniyati Safeyah, Aninditya Daniar
Fahrianoor Fahrianoor, Muhammad Nizar Hidayat
Yunita Kurniawati, Nur Hasanah, Elmy Bonafita Zahro
Nadya Novia Rahman, Nanik Handayani, Ridha Wahyuni, Dian Dwi Nur Rahmah