Pengaruh Kompensasi Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Liza Disen Servis Balikpapan
This study aims to determine the implementation of financial compensation systems and work productivity of employees and analyze the effect of compensation on the work productivity of employees of PT. Liza Disen Servis Balikpapan. The sample used in this study were 38 respondents. The sampling method in this study uses saturated sampling. The data obtained is primary data which is the result of respondents' answers to the questionnaire distributed. The results showed that increasing work productivity through compensation at PT. Liza Disen Balikpapan Service has a significant effect on the work productivity of its employees as indicated by the coefficient of determination r2 = 0.683 or 51.2% and the remaining 31.7% is influenced by other factors. Increased employee productivity through compensation has a significant effect on employee productivity shown by (t = 8.808). This is supported by the results of a regression where the value of 0.870, that with appropriate compensation policies and received by employees, it will increase the work productivity of employees of PT. Liza Disen Servis Balikpapan.
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