Muhammad DS Reva, Muhammad Syahrir Ramang, Abdunnur Abdunnur


This study aims to determine the food habits of Biawan fish (Helostoma Temminckii) in Middle Mahakam Water (Semayang Lake) of Kutai Kartanegara Regency. The study was conducted in November - February 2018 with the location of 3 observation stations, with a total fish sample of 240 fish. Samples of fish that have been obtained, then dissected and analyzed the contents of the stomach and intestines of Biawan fish in the Aquatic Bio Ecology Laboratory. Analysis of fish food habits is done by calculating the index of the largest part (Index of Propenderance). The index value of propenderance of Biawan fish food types in Semayang Lake waters at the three stations for 4 months of observation is known that the main food of Biawan fish is litter (95%), supplementary food is plankton (5%) while for worm and gastropod food types at station 1 not obtained at all. For station 2 and 3 the number of litter and plankton did not differ much, but there were differences in the type of complementary food for worms at station 2 by (0.014%) while for station 3 there were types of food from gastropods by (0.002%)


Index of Propenderance, Mole Fish,Semarang Lake

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