Knowledge and Attitude about exclusive breastfeeding in the Puskesmas Trauma Center Samarinda

Ruminem Ruminem, Mahbubah Mahbubah, Rita Puspa Sari


Background : Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding without other additives in infants aged 0-6 months. Exclusive breastfeeding is very beneficial for the baby and his mother. Mother's knowledge and attitude is very influential in realizing exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. The purpose of this research is to identify mother's knowledge and attitude about exclusive breastfeeding in the Puskesmas Trauma Center Samarinda.Method : The method used in this research is descriptive with survey approach. The samples used were mothers who had children aged 0-6 months as many as 30 respondents. The sampling technique used is Purposive Sampling. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The data analysis used is univariate analysis.Research Result : The results showed that the respondents were well knowledgeable about Exclusive breastfeeding as much as 25 respondents (83.3%), respondents are knowledgeable enough as much as 4 respondents (13,4%), and less knowledgeable respondents as much as 1 respondent (3.3%). Respondents with positive attitude about Exclusive Beastfeeding as much as 14 respondents (46,7%), and respondents with negative attitudes of 16 respondents (53.3%).Conclusions :Knowledge of respondents about Exclusive breastfeeding majority in good knowledge and  Attitudes of respondents about Exclusive breastfeeding more negative. With this research is expected to increase Exclusive breastfeeding to infants for 6 months by way of more often do counseling about Exclusive breastfeeding.

Keywords:             Exclusive Breastfeeding, Knowledge, Attitude, Mother.

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