Role of Health Belief Model on Preparedness of Trenggalek Community in Facing Earthquake Disasters: Study in ‘Desa Tangguh Bencana’ Program
Desa Tangguh Bencana (Destana) is a community-based disaster risk reduction program developed by the Indonesian government to increase community preparedness against disaster. Destana is a village that can recognize threats in its territory, able to organize community resources to reduce vulnerability, and increase capacity to reduce disaster risk. This study aims to determine the role of the aspects of the Health Belief Model in the preparedness of the Destana community in Trenggalek Regency in dealing with earthquakes. This research was conducted on 65 participants with an age range of 18-59 years, have received the Destana program and has a high risk of earthquakes in Trenggalek Regency. Data collection used two questionnaires, namely, the Earthquake Readiness Scale (ERS) to measure community preparedness in dealing with earthquakes, and the General Disaster Preparedness Belief (GDPB) to measure people's confidence in preparedness which was designed based on the Health Belief Model. The process of collecting data is done by field survey. The data analysis technique used in this study is the Multiple Linear Regression Test. The results of the study show that there are 2 aspects of HBM that have a role in preparedness, namely Self-Efficacy and Perceived Severity. Self-efficacy has a positive role in preparedness, which means that the higher the community's confidence in dealing with the impact of a disaster, the more likely the community is to behave in a prepared manner. Perceived severity has a negative role in preparedness, meaning that the lower the public's perception of the impact of an earthquake hazard, the higher the probability that the community will take preparedness. Future research can conduct the research by incorporating other theory or approach considering Health Belief Model simultaneously do not consistently influence behavior.
Desa Tangguh Bencana (Destana) merupakan program pengurangan risiko bencana berbasis masyarakat yang dikembangkan pemerintah Indonesia sebagai upaya meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan masyarakat. Destana adalah sebuah desa atau kelurahan yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengenali ancaman di wilayahnya, mampu mengorganisir sumber daya masyarakat untuk mengurangi kerentanan, dan meningkatkan kapasitas demi mengurangi risiko bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran aspek-aspek Health Belief Model terhadap kesiapsiagaan masyarakat Destana di Kabupaten Trenggalek dalam menghadapi gempa bumi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 65 orang partisipan dengan rentang usia 18-59 tahun dari salah satu yang telah menerima program Destana dan memiliki risiko gempa bumi tinggi di Kabupaten Trenggalek. Pengambilan data menggunakan dua kuesioner yaitu, Earthquake Readiness Scale (ERS) untuk mengukur kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dalam menghadapi gempa bumi, dan General Disaster Preparedness Belief (GDPB) untuk mengukur keyakinan masyarakat terhadap kesiapsiagaan yang dirancang berdasarkan Health Belief Model. Proses pengambilan data dilakukan dengan survey lapangan. Teknik analisis data yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah Uji Regresi Linier Berganda. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 2 aspek HBM yang memiliki peran terhadap kesiapsiagaan yaitu Self-Efficacy dan Perceived Severity. Self-efficacy memiliki peran yang positif terhadap kesiapsiagaan, yang berarti semakin tinggi keyakinan masyarakat dalam menghadapi dampak bencana, semakin besar kemungkinan masyarakat berperilaku siap siaga. Percieved severity memiliki peran yang negative terhadap kesiapsiagaan, artinya, semakin turun persepsi masyarakat terhadap dampak bahaya gempabumi, semakin tinggi kemungkinan masyarakat melakukan kesiapsiagaan. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan bisa menggunakan pendekatan model atau teori lain karena aspek Health Belief Model secara bersamaan tidak konsisten mempengaruhi perilaku.
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