- E-ISSN: 2684-8473
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30872/jsakti
- URL: http://e-journals.unmul.ac.id/index.php/jsakti
SAINS, APLIKASI, KOMPUTASI DAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI is a peer-reviewed journal that the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universitas Mulawarman, East Kalimantan published biannually in April and August. This Journal publishes current original research on Computer Sciences using an interdisciplinary perspective, especially within Software Engineering, Information Systems, Network and Computer Security, Image Processing, Multimedia, Human Interface, and Artificial Intelligence.
SAINS, APLIKASI, KOMPUTASI DAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI published first Vol. 1, No. 1, 2019 in April 2019 and can accessed online at http://e-journals.unmul.ac.id/index.php/.
Reviewers will review any submitted paper. The review process employs a double-masked review, which means that both the reviewer's and author's identities are concealed from the reviewers and vice versa.

Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Sains, Aplikasi, Komputasi dan Teknologi Informasi
Table of Contents
Jimi Jimi, Fahrul Agus, Medi Taruk
58 - 71
Michael Sri Untario zega
72 - 82
Putut Pamilih Widagdo, Hario Jati Setyadi, Utari Widya Ardana
83 - 95
Rhini Fatmasari, Riska Kurnia Septiani, Tuahta Hasiolan Pinem, Dedik Fabiyanto, Windu Gata
96 - 108
Akhmad Irsyad, Islamiyah Islamiyah, Hario Jati Setyadi, Fakhmul Amal
109 - 115