Analysis of Heavy Metal Concentrations of Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) in Fish Catched in the Waters of Muara Badak Kutai Kartanegara

ANZALEKA Noor, Ghitarina Ghitarina, Ristiana Eryati


This study aimed to determine the concentrations of Pb and Cd in fish that were catched in the waters of Muara Badak Kutai Kartanegara. The study was conducted in January – March 2018. The determination of the sampling station was based on characteristics around the waters of Muara Badak in industrial and residential areas. The heavy metals were analyzed by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric (AAS). The main parameters observed were Pb and Cd contents in fish, water as well as sediments. The supporting parameters were some water quality. The results showed that Pb and Cd concentrations in the water were <0,003 mg/L and <0,002 mg/L, respectively. Lead (Pb) in the sediment ranged from 4,635 – 9,693 mg/kg and Cd <0,002 mg/kg. Lead (Pb) in fish gills ranged from 0,054 to 1,296 mg/kg, in the liver 0,075 – 1,985 mg/kg, and in the muscle ranged 0,021 – 0,54 mg/kg. Lead in the fish ranged from 0,176 to 1,154 mg/kg and Cd <0,002 mg/kg. Among all fish caught in the locations, 76% of them have Pb and Cd levels in their muscle that fulfilled the SNI 7387 : 2009.


Fish, Heavy metals, Muara Badak

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