Identification And Structure Of The Seastar Community (Asteroidea) In Bontang Kuala Perairan, Gusung Segajah District Bontang City

Muhammad Anwar, Muhammad Syahrir Ramang, Muhammad MF Yasser


Based on research conducted found 6 species of starfish, namely Archaster typicus, Protoreaster nodosus, Culcita novaeguineae, Linckia laevigata, L. multifora, and Echinaster luzonicus. The highest index of diversity in the dark moon is at 0,892 and when the tide is 0,162 which means low community stability, the highest uniformity index at full month that is, at low tide 0,766 and at tide 0,147 the ecosystem is less stable, the dominance index with value 1 in Western Station at high tide when full moon or dark moon with dominance of species of Protoreaster nodosus, density and highest relative density on species P. nodosus ie 3,90 ind / m2 and 90,7%, highest relative frequency and frequency in species of P.nodosus with an average of 0,097 and 78,15%, which means that this species has the greatest adaptability among other species, an important value index where the highest value in the analysis of community structure is in the species of Protoreaster nodosus so that this species has the greatest role in the community, as well as the results of the correspondence analysis calculations show that the salinity was effect the most on every stations in Gusung Segajah, where the southern stations are most affected by changes in the salinity.


starfish, index of diversity, dominance index, correspondence analysis, gusung segajah

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