Plankton Community Structure In Estuaries In Aggana District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency

Indah Permata Dewi, Lily Inderia Sari, Irma Suryana


This study was aimed to determine the abundance and structure of the plankton community, including the whether abundance of plankton affects in parameters of chemical-physicists of estuary waters. This research was conducted from February to April 2018, which determined different sampling stations was based on the characteristics of estuary water. This research was described by quantitative method, and the result was confirmed 14 classes and 35 species of plankton. Based on analysis, there were arranged the abundance in the level of exceptional, the diversity index in the level of intermediate, the homogenity index in the level of reliable and non dominant plankton. The water quality such as temperature, brightness, turbidity, total suspended solid, current velocity, acidity degree, dissolved oxygen, salinity, nitrate and phosphate were determined as supporting parameters.


abundance and structure, diversity index, estuary waters, homogenity index, non dominant plankton, plankton community, water quality

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