Ikatan Relasi Suami-Istri: Dinamika Keputusan Menikah saat Pandemi COVID-19

Isnaeni Anggun Sari, Muhammad Zulfa Alfaruqy


Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi respon psikologis dan dinamika pengambilan keputusan menikah saat pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian yang didesain dengan metode kualitatif eksploratif ini melibatkan 266 subjek yang menikah saat masa pandemi. Data digali dengan kuesioner open-ended dan dianalisis dengan analisis konten. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa respon psikologisketikadihadapkan pada pandemi meliputi respon afektif (58,7%), kognitif (19,9%), psikomotorik (8,6%), dan netral (8,6%). Keputusan menikah saat masa pandemi didasari pertimbangan faktor teknis (alokasi sumber daya, kesiapan acara), faktor sosial-psikologis (kesiapan personal, dukungan keluarga, agama), dan faktor situasional (ketidakpastian kapan pandemi berakhir). Tantangan terbesar yang dialami ialah perihal teknis penyelenggaraan resepsi, diikuti ketidakhadiran keluarga besar, pengurusan administrasi, dan pembatasan sosial. Penelitian ini berimplikasi pada kebijakan publik yang mendorong kesiapan materi maupun psikologis calon suami-istri apabila menikah saat pandemi.

This study aimed to explore the psychological response and the dynamics of marriage decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an exploratory qualitative method that involved 266 subjects who were married during the pandemic. The data were collected with an open-ended questionnaire and analyzed with content analysis. The results showed that the psychological responses toward marriage during the pandemic included affective (58.7%), cognitive (19.9%), psychomotor (8.6%), and neutral (8.6%) responses. The decision to marry during a pandemic is based on technical factors(allocation of resources, event readiness), social-psychological factors (personal readiness, family support, religion) and situational factor (uncertainty about when the pandemic will end). The biggest challenges are about organizing a reception, following the presence of a large family, administrative management, and social management. This research has implications for public policies that encourage psychological and material readiness of married couples during the pandemic.


Pandemi COVID-19; Pengambilan keputusan; Menikah; Relasi; Respon

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30872/psikostudia.v10i3.5309


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