Locus of Control and Resilience as Predictors of Prisoners Aggresiveness at Class IIB Detention Center Banyumas

Maureen Wahyu Widhayanti, Qisthina Aulia


Prisoners ace a loss of freedom and difficulty adapting, which increases stress and aggressiveness. Resilience is essential for survival, while locus of control plays a role in behavior regulation. This study aims to analyze the influence of locus of control and resilience on inmate aggressiveness at Class IIB Detention Center Banyumas. A quantitative method was used with a sample of 109 inmates selected through non-probability sampling. The results of the study showed that locus of control influenced aggressiveness, resilience influenced aggressiveness, and locus of control and resilience simultaneously influenced aggressiveness. The dimensions of locus of control (internality, external power and external chance) influenced as predictors in influencing the aggressiveness of prisoners in Class IIB Banyumas Penitentiary. The dimensions of resilience (emotion regulation, empathy and reaching out) influenced as predictors in influencing the aggressiveness of prisoners in Class IIB Banyumas Penitentiary. These findings emphasize the importance of psychological interventions to increase resilience and change the locus of control to suppress the aggressiveness of prisoners

Narapidana menghadapi kehilangan kebebasan dan kesulitan beradaptasi, yang meningkatkan stres dan agresivitas. Resiliensi diperlukan untuk bertahan, sementara locus of control berperan dalam pengendalian perilaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh locus of control dan resiliensi terhadap agresivitas narapidana di Rutan Kelas IIB Banyumas. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan sampel 109 narapidana melalui teknik non-probability sampling. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa locus of control berpengaruh terhadap agresivitas, resiliensi berpengaruh terhadap agresivitas, dan locus of control dan resiliensi secara bersamaan berpengaruh terhadap agresivitas. Dimensi locus of control (internality, external powerful dan external chance) berpengaruh sebagai prediktor dalam memberikan pengaruh agresivitas Narapidana di Rutan Kelas IIB Banyumas. Dimensi resiliensi (emotion regulation, empathy dan reaching out) berpengaruh sebagai prediktor dalam memberikan pengaruh agresivitas Narapidana di Rutan Kelas IIB Banyumas. Temuan ini menekankan pentingnya intervensi psikologis untuk meningkatkan resiliensi dan mengubah locus of control guna menekan agresivitas narapidana.


Locus of control, Resilience, Aggressive Behavior, Prisoners, State Detention Center

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