Jusmalia Oktaviani, Teguh Puja Pramadya


The clash among Buddhist Arakanese, Myanmar’s government and Rohingya Muslim runs nearly half of the century. The violation among them has been inevitable, and until now, there has no clear solution to overcome the conflict. Stateless and also repressed, many Rohingyas flee abroad, asking for sanctuary to Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, and some countries in Southeast Asia, like Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. Even though, it looks complicated; Rohingyas also struggle for their problems through political channels, especially through organizations. This paper aims to examine the contribution of Rohingyas’ groups to the struggle of the Rohingyas people in reaching their rights and the implication of these organizations in the ethnic-religious conflict in South-East Asia and how it may affect the regional security.

Keywords: Rohingya, Organization, Communal Group, Stateless

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30872/.v5i2.1349


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