Ruspika Margiana, Singgih Daru Kuncara, Indah Sari Lubis


The purpose of this research was to find the depression symptoms of Virginia Woolf as the author portrayed in the characters Septimus Warren Smith and Clarissa Dalloway in Mrs Dalloway novel. It could be seen from the analysis of the data from biographical information of Virginia Woolf, narrations and utterances of the major characters Septimus and Clarissa. In order to determine the depression symptoms, Beck’s cognitive theory of depression was used in this research. This research belonged to qualitative method. The data sources were Mrs Dalloway novel and the biographies of Virginia Woolf. The data were the biographical information of Virginia Woolf, narrations and utterances in the novel refers to Woolf’s depression symptoms portrayed in the characters Septimus and Clarissa. The finding showed the depression symptoms of Virginia Woolf as were portrayed in Septimus such as negative expectation, self blame and self criticism, paralysis of the will, avoidance, escapist, and withdrawal wishes, suicidal wishes, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, loss of libido, and hallucination.Meanwhile, the depression symptoms that were portrayed in Clarissa such as dejected mood, negative feeling toward self, low self evaluation, delusion of worthlessness, and suicidal wishes.


depression; depression symptoms; psychological approach

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