Achmad Achmad Achmad, Ghitarina Ghitarina Ghitarina, Irma Suryana Suryana


The waters of Tihi-tihi Island are water areas dominated by fishing boat port activities and traditional scale sea transportation. These dense activities directly or indirectly affect the state of the ecosystem including its benthic biota. Blood clams (Anadara granosa) are one of the marine resources that are widely consumed by the public and easily obtained around the Tihi-tihi island area. The levels of Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu), and Lead (Pb) in Blood Clams were analyzed to determine indications of pollution in the Tihi-tihi waters of Bontang City. Sampling was carried out at 4 (four) stations, where each station consisted of 3 sampling points. From 15 shells with a uniform size at each station, acid destruction was carried out and followed by analysis on AAS. The results showed that the levels of Cd in A. granosa ranged 0.357 mg/kg – 1.040 mg/kg, Cu ranged 0.997 mg/kg – 2.066 mg/kg, while Pb ranged 0.800 mg/kg – 1.589 mg/kg. Based on BPOM and SK Health Office RI regarding the quality standards of Cd, Cu, and Pb in food (for clams/bivalves/molluscs) that the measured range of heavy metals is still in the safe category.

Keywords : Bioaccumulation, Heavy Metals, Pollutants

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