Ferdi Zola Haviludin, Akhmad Akhmad Rafii, Ristiana Ristiana Eryati


Bontang is a city in East Kalimantan. The area of Bontang City reaches 497.57 km², most of which is water area, while the land area is only around 29%. This study aims to determine the diversity and abundance of plankton as a bioindicator of the quality of the aquatic environment in Bontang City, East Kalimantan. This research was conducted at 4 stations spread across the waters of Bontang City. At each station there are two points, namely point 1 on the surface of the water with a depth of 0-0.5 cm and point 2 at the depth where the limit of sunlight can enter the water column (brightness level limit). Based on the results of analysis and plankton calculation results from 4 stations, the abundance of plankton ranged from 34384-363488 cells/L with an average ± abundance of 60288 cells/L. The diversity of plankton in the waters around Selangan is included in the low to moderate category.

Keywords : Plankton, Abundance, Diversity, Bioindicator.


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