rikky rikky suryadi


Macrozoobenthos are invertebrate animals that can be seen directly. The limited information about Macrozoobenthos in the waters of Selangan Village, prompted me to be more curious about the level of diversity of Macrozoobenthos in the waters of the village. This study aims to determine the diversity of macrozoobenthos found in the waters of the village of Selangan. Bontang City, East Kalimantan. This research is a quantitative descriptive research with an exploratory method that aims to determine the diversity of Macrozoobenthos. The time of the research was carried out during January - February 2022. The determination of the sampling station was carried out using the purposive sampling method (selectedly). Macrozoobenthos samples found in the 50 cm x 50 cm quadrant were the samples that were measured. Sample analysis was carried out at the PT. Global Environment Laboratory. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively described in the form of tables and figures. The description of the condition of the macrozoobenthos community structure was calculated for diversity (H'), uniformity (E), dominance (C). Based on the results of research at 3 macrozoobenthos observation stations in the waters of Selangan Village, 17 species and 204 individuals were found, consisting of 2 classes, namely gastropods and bivalves. The diversity index at station (1) shows a range of values 0.89 (H'), station (2) 2.53 (H'), station (3) 2.43 (H'). The uniformity index at station (1) shows a value range of 0.43 (E), station (2) 0.91, station (3) 0.90. The dominance index at station 1 shows a value of 0.61 (C), station (2) 0.10 (C), station (3) 0.11 (C). From the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the polluted waters are moderate, because it can be seen from the table that the distribution of the number of individuals is not evenly distributed and there tends to be species that dominate.


Keywords : Diversity, Macrozoobenthos, Water quality.

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