Aslan Aslan, Ristiana Eryati, Akhmad Rafi'i


Buried in the waters of Bontang City has a diverse reef ecosystem, which grows around the seashore, based on the results of a survey that has been Conducted by the Marine Service and Fisheries Bontang City, has been found types of corals are hard coral and soft coral. Hard Coral is more dominant found than soft coral. This research aims to determine the types of coral lifeform found in the wet Rice island of the Bontang City and to know the percentage cover of coral reefs in the wet rice island of Bontang City. The research was held in June-July 2019 observations Carried out on 4 stations using the method of LIT (Line intersept transect) by holding the transect for 50 meters parallel to the coastline. Research results The types of coral reef lifeforms found in the waters of Beras Basah Island are: Acropora Branching (ACB), AcroporaDigitate (ACD), Acropora Tabulate (ACT), Coral Massive (CM), CoralEncrusting (CE), Coral Mushroom (CMR), danCoral Foliose (CF) and average coral cover percentage in Wet Rice Island is 29.1% with medium coral cover category, Diversity index (H ') in research area included in low category, index Uniformity (E) is included in the high category and the Dominancy Index (C) belongs to the low category which means no lifeform dominates on the observation area.


Community of Coral Reefs, Reefs, Beras Basah Island

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