Daily Behavior Of Estuary Crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus, Schneider 1801) In The Crocodile Capture, Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan Province

Muhammad Rizki Aridha, Stepanus Alexander Samson, Ghitarina Ghitarina


Saltwater crocodile or Crocodylus porosus, is the largest crocodile species in the world. This reptile is not only living in the river as main habitat, but also near the sea, especially at the estuary area. The purpose of this research was to determine the daily behaviour of saltwater crocodiles based on their sex and age. This research was using Continuos Watching Method. The observed variable of behaviour are body movement, feeding, basking, and social in Teritip Crocodile Farm, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. Chi-Square test showed that the observed object behaviour has differences in activities frequency and population density. In the moving behavior, adult male and teenage crocodiles (both male and female), are more active than female mature crocodiles. In the feeding behavior, hunting has the same way, that is by pouncing abruptly. Differences exist in the way they pounce on prey bodies (at the head, full body, or another body parts), as well as the selection of places to eat food (at land or water surface). In the basking behavior, the differences are seen when they are choosing the sundeck (at land or water surface) and the activities they do while basking (open or close his mouth). In the social behavior, teenage crocodiles are more actively fighting than adult. Meanwhile, adult crocodiles are active in dominance aspects while teenage do not. Specifically, female adult crocodiles are active in vocalizing and keeping the nest, while adult and teenage crocodiles are not.


behaviour, Reptile, Crocodylus porosus

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