Influence of Addition the Aluminium Sulphate to River Water which contents by Total Suspended Solid in Lok Bahu Samarinda

Elvia Susanti, Mursidi Mursidi, Akhmad Rafi'i


This study aims to determine the effect of adding Aluminum Sulphate levels in river water to changes in TSS levels in Lok Bahu river water in Samarinda. This research was conducted in March 2017. The experiment was divided into 20 liters of water each and then treated from control to 7 grams of Aluminum Sulfate, observations and measurements were made after 24 hours and 48 hours. The results of temperature measurements in river water during the study showed that the water temperature did not show high variations, the results ranged from 26°C - 30°C. For the results of measuring the pH of the water during the study, it showed that the pH of the water after being given Aluminum Sulfate decreased. The result is in the range of 4-6, the addition of alum to the water will cause the water to become acidic, which causes the pH of the water to drop. Data analysis using Linear Regression obtained the results that Y = 21.584 - 2.881 X after 24 hours of TSS measurement, while Y = 17.334 - 1.881 X after 48 hours of TSS measurement. The results of this study also showed that 0 hours the TSS level was 36 mg/l, presumably because the water was polluted by tofu factory waste, tempeh and household waste. that is 6 mg/l. The results of this study indicate that the amount of Aluminum Sulfate given to river water is enough to add 2 grams to 20 liters of river water, so that the pH of the water can be maintained and meet the quality standards of clean water with a water pH between 6-9.


Aluminum sulphate, river of Lok Bahu, Total Suspended Solid

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