Ilmawati Ilmawati, Mursidi Mursidi, Dewi Embong Bulan


This study aims to determine the diversity of Plankton at Station I (reservoir inlet section) Station II, III, IV (central reservoir) and Station V (Outlet section reservoir) in the Benanga reservoir. When the study was conducted in July-August 2019 at five stations with three replications in a span of one week. Plankton identification was carried out at the Water Quality Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. Data results were analyzed using a diversity t-test comparison. Plankton is a waters bioindicator. Based on observations found 49 types of plankton consisting of 22 types of phytoplankton and 27 zooplankton with the five most species found phytoplankton species of the Euglenaceae class namely Euglena proxima, Chlorophyceae class namely Closterium kuetzingii brebisson, Euglenoideae class namely Trachelomonos sp. Of the zoopalnkton species found from the Arcellidae class namely Arcella vulgaris and from the Eurotatoria class Monostyla hamata. The Diversity Index (H ') for the five stations ranged from 1,823 to 2,403 and was classified as moderate. Based on the comparison of t-test Diversity to the five stations were not significantly different. The uniformity index value is in the range of 0.608 to 0.804 and the dominance index value ranges from 0.120 to 0.238. The amount of abundance ranges from 8.6542.


Diversity, Plankton, Benanga Reservoir

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