Amrullah Amrullah, Ristiana Eryati, Akhmad Rafi'i


Fungiidae is one of the free-living coral species and able to live on variety of substrates. Most of these species can be found on reef slopes that have coral fracture substrate. The study of distribution of hard coral family Fungiidae was carried out in June to July 2018 in Bontang waters with 4 research stations namely Station I (Segajah), Station II (Malahing), Station III (Kedindingan) and Station IV (Tihi-Tihi). The study aim was to determine the distribution and diversity of Fungiidae and its species in the waters of Bontang City. The study was done by random sampling method (Proposive random sampling) using a Scuba set. The results showed there were 35 individuals of Fungiidae and the distribution of Fungiidae was 17 (seventeen) species representing 6 (six) genera, namely genus Fungia, Heliofungia, Herpolitha, Ctenactis, Polyphyllia and Sandalolitha. The highest diversity of species is at Station III, which is obtained by 9 species. The highest diversity of genus is at Station II, which is obtained by 3 genera and Station IV is obtained by 5 genera. Whilst the lowest diversity have been in Station I that have only 1 genus of Fungia.


Bontang, Coral, Diversity, Fungiidae

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