Boby Fathur Rachman, Aditya Irawan, Lily Inderia Sari


Macro debris thats sink in to water most problem arround the world which must be solve. Before in to the sea mostly marine debris trap on three key ecosystem on the coastal that is, Mangroves, Seagrass and Coral reefs. This research mean to knows characteristic seagrass which be a trap macro debris base on coastal activities in Big miang island. This research using purposive sampling method to select the research station, random sampling method to select research point location and use analysis pearson corelation to correlate seagrass density with marine debris volume thats found in research site. In this research found four species seagrass thats E.acoroides, Cymodocea serrulata, T.hemprichii dan Halodule pinifolia. Result of the research in Miang island waters receive result no found corelation between seagrass and macro marine debris volume. However when macro marine debris volume be correlate with E.acoroides seagrass density secondary variable have a corelation. Conclude from this research E.acoroides is the type of seagrass which could trap Marine debris that enter to field of seagrass


Big Island Miang, Macro debris, Seagrass

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