ABRAHAM ARI PUTRA, Ghitarina Ghitarina, Akhmad Rafi'i


Post coal mining pond which is located in Kutai Kartanegara has been used by the community for fish cultivation that potentially contain heavy metals. This study aimed to find out the concentration of Copper (Cu) and Iron (Fe) in Tilapia cultivated in post coal mining pond in Jongkang Village, Loa Kulu, Kutai Kartanegara. The main parameters observed were Cu and Fe in the gills and the muscles of fish that has been cultivated for 0 – 3 months, parameters of Cu and Fe in the water and in the sedimen, and water quality were analyzed as supporting data. This research was conducted from January to April 2018. The heavy metals were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric (AAS). The result showed that Cu concentration in the gills ranged from 1,47 to 2,04 mg/kg, while in the muscles ranged from 1,09 to 1,44 mg/kg. The value of Fe in the gills ranged from 261,85 to 304,59 mg/kg, and Fe in the muscles ranged from 43,94 to 76,42 mg/kg. Generally, the heavy metals concentration of Tilapia in 0 month has been high, then the heavy metals concentration has decreased in aged 1 - 2 months but the heavy metals concentration has increased at the age of 3 months. The concentration of Cu and Fe in the gills and muscles have exceeded the quality standard set by SNI 3787 2009.


Heavy metals, Oreochromis niloticus, Post coal mining pond.

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