Rudi Saputra, Iwan Suyatna, Lily Inderia Sari


This study aims to determine the characteristics of sediments in the intertidal zone in the blue coastal waters of the grit of the grit village of Marangkayu sub-district and find out the relationship between the sediment fraction and the parameters taken such as nitrate, phosphate and several other parameters. The sampling method uses soil drill for sediment, laboratory analysis for parameters analyzed and measurements directly in the field by looking at several parameters such as current and temperature. For the flow of research results indicate that the current velocity has a range between 0.08-0.17. sediment granules on the gravel blue beach for station 1 were dominated by the sand fraction at point 1 on the surface and 50 cm depth of sand fraction (S) point 2 part of the surface of the sand fraction (S) the depth of 50 cm in sandy sand (LS) at point 3 dominated by sandy clay (SL) fraction both at the surface and at 50 cm depth. at station 2 for points 1 and 2 are dominated by the sand fraction (S) both on the surface and 50 cm depth, for the point 3 the surface has a sand fraction (S) while the depth of 50 cm has a sandy clay (SL) fraction. Whereas for station 3 all points were dominated by the sand fraction (S). The values of nitrate and phosphate content ranged between 5.27-21.29 ppm (nitrate) and 4.8-33.9 m / 100 (phosphate), for temperature, salinity and pH ranged from 30.0 to 34.0 oC (temperature), 8.37-19.42 ppt (salinity), 5.72-8.45 (pH).


Beach, Sediment Fraction, Current

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