English Language Competency Mapping of Students of Polytechnic APP Jakarta: An Indispensable Step in Students Career Planning

Dedi Febrianto, Rinandita Wikansari


Though English is one of fundamental factors needed in the workplace, many vocational college students do not perform well in written and oral English communication. The result of preliminary survey conducted to 147 companies revealed that English is the lowest score obtained by internship students of Polytechnic APP Jakarta among five other tested competencies. By contrast,  Polytechnic APP Jakarta has been facilitating the students with adequate English courses. The study is aimed at describing the current students’ English language ability so that English skills which the students are weak at can be investigated. It involves 641 students of Polytechnic APP Jakarta whom are now studying at first, second and third year. The students are asked to take an internal English proficiency test and the result is used as main data to map their English competencies and to draw the possible recommendation upon these problems. It also assists Career Development Center of Politeknik APP Jakarta in figuring out the suitable training to develop the students’ English competencies in preparing them for the workplace.


English language competency, English proficiency test, career planning, career preparation

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