Konstruksi Posesif Bahasa Inggris dalam Cerita Pendek There Will Come Soft Rains
This study aims to describe the type of possessive construction and the possessive relationship between possessor/PR and possessum/PM in the possessive construction of English in short story There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury. The data were taken from sentences contained possessive construction in short story it. The data were collected by reading and noting and were analyzed by means of the distributional method to determine the type of possessive construction relationship and the correspondence method to determine the possessive relationships between the possessor and the possessed. The findings are as follows first, the type of possessive construction was found in short story it was attributive possession. Second, The relationships can be categorized into three possessive relationships, namely the ownership, part-whole, and abstract.
Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tipe konstruksi posesif dan hubungan antara “pemilik” (possessor/PR) dan “yang dimiliki” (possessum/PM) pada konstruksi posesif Bahasa Ingris dalam cerita pendek There Will Come Soft Rains karya Ray Bradbury. Data diambil dari kalimat yang mengandung konstruksi posesif dalam cerita pendek There Will Come Soft Rains karya Ray Bradbury. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara baca catat sedangkan teknik analsis data dilakukan dengan metode agih untuk menentukan tipe kontruksi posesif dan metode padan untuk menentukan hubungan antara (possessor/PR) dan “yang dimiliki” (possessum/PM). Berdasarkan hasil analisis data ditemukan hasilnya adalah pertama, tipe utama konstruksi posesif yang ditemukan dalam cerita pendek There Will Come Soft Rains karya Ray Bradbury adalah dominan tipe hubungan atribut. Kedua, hubungan posesif antara (possessor/PR) dan “yang dimiliki” (possessum/PM) dalam konstruksi posesif yang ditemukan ada tiga unsur, yaitu hubungan Hubungan kepemilikan, Hubungan keseluruhan-sebagian, dan Hubungan sesuatu dan atributnya.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30872/calls.v5i1.1961
Copyright (c) 2019 Usmala Dewi Siregar, Mulyadi

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