Analisis SWOT Strategi Pemasaran Pada ZOYA Samarinda Tahun 2018

Muhamad Setiawan Rudiyanto, Nasib Subagio


The purpose of this study was to determine the aspects of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats from Samarinda's ZOYA and the marketing strategy adopted by ZOYA Samarinda in 2018. The research is qualitative research, the research method used is the descriptive analysis research method, IFAS (Internal Strategic Factor The Analysis summary), EFAS (External Strategic Factor Analysis Summary) and SWOT matrix. The results obtained by IFAS calculations show that the main strength of ZOYA Samarinda is that products innovate following the latest trends with a score of (0.21) with a rating of 3.48, because the products produced have better quality compared to their competitors both from the quality of raw materials and models up to date that can provide satisfaction for the customer and make the customer have a very high loyalty. The current marketing strategy is to market products by marketing directly and, direct marketing is done by a customer who can come to the ZOYA SHOP. Indirect marketing is done by marketing the product through the catalog provided.


Marketing Strategy, SWOT Analysis

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