Identifikasi Spesies Nematoda Meloidogyne sp pada Tanaman Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum L) dan Seledri (Apium graveolens L) di Samarinda

Igensius Balkan


Nematodes are harmful organisms for tomato and celery plants. The aim of this research is to know Meloidogyne
species that attack tomato and celery plants. The locations are in Lempake and in Sambutan, Samarinda city, East
Kalimantan. Identification of nematode species is based on morphometric and perennial parten characteristics. Nematode
extract was performed by root stenning method and nematode surgery. The result showed that there was one species
(Meloidogyne javanica) of nematode at root of tomato and celery plant in Lempake, while in Sambutan showed that there
were two species of Meloidogyne, they are Meloidogyne javanica and Meloidogyne incognita. Based on this research showed
that nematodes Meloidogyne are the most enermoust nematodes on tomato and celery plants in Samarinda.


Tomato, Celery, Nematodes, Meloidogynes

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