Abigail Flavia Dominilla, Singgih Daru Kuncara, Nita Maya Valiantien


This research analyzed the oppression issue that happened in The Help novel. The oppression mostly happened to the two main black female characters in the novel, namely Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson. The purpose of this research is to analyze how the kinds of oppression happened through the postcolonial feminism perspective. To provide deeper analysis, qualitative research is used as the research method. By the analysis, it was found that Aibileen got four kinds of oppression, which are exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, and cultural imperialism. Whereas Minny Jackson got all the kinds of oppression towards her. These oppressions can be seen through the narration, dialogue, action, thoughts, and physical appearance of the characters. Both of them got the oppression because as the third world women, they were shaped to be inferior towards Miss Hilly, Miss Leefolt as their masters and Leroy as Minny’s husband. Based on the analysis, the researchers concluded that black women experienced double oppression than the first world women, considering not only through their gender but also race and class.


Penelitian ini menganalisis masalah penindasan yang terjadi dalam novel The Help. Penindasan sebagian besar terjadi pada dua karakter perempuan kulit hitam utama dalam novel, bernama Aibileen Clark dan Minny Jackson. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa bagaimana jenis – jenis penindasan terjadi melalui sudut pandang feminism poskolonial. Untuk memberikan analisa yang lebih dalam, penelitian kualitatif digunakan sebagai metode penelitian. Melalui analisa, telah ditemukan bahwa Aibileen mendapatkan empat jenis penindasan, yakni eksploitasi, marginalisasi, ketidakberdayaan, dan imperialisme budaya. Sedangkan Minny Jackson mendapatkan semua jenis penindasan disebabkan. Penindasan ini dapat dilihat melalui narasi, dialog, aksi, pikiran, dan penampilan fisik karakter. Keduanya mendapatkan penindasan karena sebagai perempuan negara ketiga, mereka ditentukan untuk menjadi bawahan terhadap Miss Hilly dan Miss Leefolt sebagai majikan mereka dan Leroy sebagai suami Minny. Berdasarkan analisa, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa perempuan kulit hitam mengalami penindasan ganda daripada perempuan negara pertama, menimbang tidak hanya melalui jenis kelamin tetapi juga melalui ras dan kelas mereka.


Black Women; Third World Women; First World Women; Oppression; Postcolonial Feminism

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Copyright (c) 2020 Abigail Flavia Dominilla, Singgih Daru Kuncara, Nita Maya Valiantien

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