Jumiati Jumiati


This study uses a qualitative approach in order to obtain an in-depth description of the Election Supervision Evaluation of the Governor of East Kalimantan by the East Kalimantan Bawaslu. Data obtained and obtained through interviews, observation and documentation, which are then analyzed interactively through the stages of data collection, data condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the evaluation of the supervision of the Provincial Bawaslu in the East Kalimantan Governor election in 2018, which was carried out from the stage of updating the voter list, campaign monitoring, the implementation of the Pilgub, as well as the follow-up of findings and reports were in accordance with the duties and functions of East Kalimantan's Bawaslu. As for the inhibiting factors there are still people who do not report suspected violations, limited human resources and the authority of Bawaslu is still hampered by rules and regulations.

Keywords: Monitoring, Evaluation, Election

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52239/jar.v8i1.4145


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