Unikama Tracer Study: An Effort To Get Graduates`Feedback Towards Superior Universitiy

Khairul Bariyyah


Unikama needs to know the quality of graduates produced through tracer study to its graduates. Tracer Study is useful for evaluating and can be used to improve the quality. This study conducted was a descriptive quantitative design and only uses one cohort which uses the same graduation (exit cohort) who graduate in 2017, it was 1545 graduates. The questionnaire adopted the Ristekdikti Tracer Study Questionnaire. Data Were Analyzed By Descriptive Method. During the 3 months of the implementation, Team obtained 50% Gross Response Rate and 90% Net Response Rate. Results Showed that 63% graduated on time, 9% graduated faster and 29% of graduated more slowly. Unikama Graduates mostly have worked with the duration of getting the first job is 3 months before and after graduation. How to find work, namely through relations and the internet. Unikama graduates work at jobs with an education level and the same study program that has been taken. Graduates competencies and the contribution of University are internet skills, computer skills, working in teams / collaborating with others, tolerance, adaptability, loyalty, ability to hold responsibility, initiative, and the ability to continue lifelong learning. While the low is time management.


Tracer Study, Graduates, Superior University

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